Thursday, January 29, 2009

Enjoyed the COLD!!!

After reading several complaints about the ICE, i just realized that maybe the weeds in my yard were killed! I'm so looking forward to spring, to see what I can do next to get the ones that made it gone... Jar, can I use your spreader??? Oh yeah, you are gone! crap I guess I need to go buy one.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Whats wrong with Hustle?

After watching an awesome third and fourth grade basketball game, I sit and wonder why parents get so intense on their children's hustle??? I am the (trying to get better) the worst person on seeing the wrong in officials and what they are not seeing, but to hear the parents on the other team applaud when a kid finally gets called for a foul, well that's amazing! Grant it the one that caused the foul was mine, but to hear the other parents find pleasure in the ref finally calling him for a foul takes my breath away if only for a moment and then i breath again. If the other parents could see the hours mine puts into practice on his own and not being told to. Maybe they would see the difference between Hustle, and hoping a ref makes a call on their kids lack of hustle. So for me, I'm still working on being the quite one, on fouls called against our team, but I still will not cheer when a kid gets called for a foul on the opposing team for their hustle! So in closing, keep the Hustle up!!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year, Same Stuff?

As 2008 goes to the back burners of our brain and 2009 rolls to the front. What has changed? We had our usual throw down at the love shack, friends arrived and got home safely, football games came and went, decorations were removed from the house, kids are not excited that school starts in a few days. Then I realize that we are all living in the Groundhog Day movie. I feel like we're all characters from the film and we wake up and do the same stuff again, and again. Seeing that Jar has posted his last post, with a strikingly young photo and I sit on the sofa waiting for more football. What has changed? I cannot wait to wake up tomorrow and see if this a movie, or am I going to be sitting in the same spot watching football? Oh well Happy New Year! Go (fill in the Blank of your favorite team) and enjoy the fellowship of your own personal Groundhog Day...